Fan Section

There are untold numbers of Big Trouble in Little China fans out there, and over the years, some of those fans have contributed their creative talents to this website through short stories, scripts, music, and pictures. This section will demonstrate the creative efforts of these fine folks.

Be sure to visit the “Big Trouble Articles Section” on the site for further fan writings on John Carpenter and Big Trouble in Little China!

This page was featured as Something Awful’s “Awful Link of the Day” on 11/12/02. And it survived.

Creative Writing

Note: Some of these stories contain mature language and situations.

Update 6/13/24 – Apparently these stories never got transferred properly from the 2017 site! I’m linking to these stories using’s version of the 2017 site.

Music Remixes

For all music mixes, please visit the Fan Remix section.

Big Trouble Art Contest and Fan Art

Years ago, I had fans submit art for a Big Trouble Art Contest. I also have a bunch of fan art collected over the years…