Chatbot GPT reviews Big Trouble in Little China

You’ve all heard about how AI like Chatbot GPT is taking over the world, right? Well what better way to test its mettle than by asking it to review Big Trouble in Little China.

I actually gave it two prompts: a negative one (reflecting how some reviewers feel about the 1986 film) and a positive one (echoing how fans of the film still see it to this day). Check it out:

Write a scathing 3 paragraph review of the movie Big Trouble in Little China

“Big Trouble in Little China” is a film that promises action, adventure, and humor, but fails to deliver on all fronts. The plot is convoluted and difficult to follow, leaving the viewer confused and uninterested. The characters are one-dimensional and lack any real depth or development, making it hard to care about their journey.

The film’s attempts at humor fall flat, relying on cheap gags and tired stereotypes that are more cringe-worthy than amusing. The action scenes are poorly choreographed and unimpressive, failing to excite or engage the viewer. The special effects are dated and unconvincing, further detracting from the overall experience.

Overall, “Big Trouble in Little China” is a disappointing film that

Happy 35 years of trouble!

On July 2, 1986, Big Trouble in Little China hit theatres nationwide. Jack Burton was coming to “Rescue your Summer” and he did it in style.

While the film may have been 72nd in overall box office revenues (the pesky “Top Gun,” “Crocodile Dundee,” and “Karate Kid Part II” were the top 3 that year), it still lives on strong to this day. Happy 35th!

Here’s a nice article celebrating the film:

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