Last seen: Sep 15, 2023
What a cool figure. I assume that's signed by the actor who played him?
Wow. Did you get both signatures done in person or just Hong? Either way, you are so winning.
lol. I also couldn't figure it out. But that's amazing. Dude, you are super winning.
Awesome. Who's the first signature?
LOL. Great show.
Yeah, I assumed they were all the same. But that would have been super cool if he had a handful of quotes and it was random.
Thanks. I thought the fortune the guy put in the package was a pretty nice touch.
They're just generic RPG dice. Great for any Asian themed Dungeon and Dragons adventure. 🙂 I think there was an ability to add a "six demon bag" a...
The concept art is incredible. The whole thing is incredible. Well done.
That is awesome. Fantastic collection. How long have you been collecting it?
For sure. I preordered mine and then realized I still have the core game sitting in my amazon cart. Guess I better buy that before the expansion comes...
Looks like there's an expansion now.
Awesome. I love that your kids enjoyed the movie.
Maybe someone could do it stop motion style. All of our cell cameras now are high quality. hmmmmm. lol