Last seen: Dec 11, 2021
That is one strange looking figure. Cool, but strange.
Fantastic collection. Colour me green.
If I could get James Hong to sign something I'd have him sign it to Cartwright! 😉
I would never have got that from the signature.
Wow. That's amazing.
Nice. Are those new additions?
It makes me think about this Simpsons episode.
It's a very nice touch. I wonder if they were all different or the same with a few alterations? No way to know I guess.
Still very cool to have. 👍
Nice. What do they go with? Just don't let them near a six-demon bag.
Fantastic collection! I really love the deck.
Oooh. Nice. I think I may have to pre-order to get that six demon dice bag. 🙂
My gut reaction is to say start em young, but there are some scary things going on that might frighten a 3-year-old, so yeah, waiting might be best.
This needs to happen. 😀